ALL OUR WRONG TODAYS (Elan Mastai) - May 19/18
I really enjoyed large swaths of this book, even though Mastai has a predilection for going way over board in terms of describing things. He'll spend chapters explaining just how all this fake technology works or describing the hell out of his futuristic society. But at the heart of the novel is a story that's really interesting and stuffed with well-developed characters. I was absolutely riveted by the stretch in which Tom was forced to travel back 51 years *in real time*! (The Jaunt!) But Mastai kind of fumbles the climax by complicating things to such an extent that I couldn't really follow what was happening (the three personalities were fighting for control or something, I dunno). Definitely excited to see what Mastai gets up to in the future. *** out of ****
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