My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Monday, August 24, 2009

BREAKING DAWN (Stephenie Meyer) - August 24/09

The Twilight saga comes to a close in a fitting, satisfying, yet slightly bloated tale that ensures happy endings are received by all the primary characters. My one complaint with the novel is that it often moves at a pace that's perhaps a little too leisurely, but this is something that's easy to forgive (and anticipate), as Meyer - knowing that this is the last story to feature her characters - shares her reluctance to let Bella and Edward go with the reader. As for the complaints others have had (ie the grisly birth), I had no such problems and I thought the final confrontation between the Cullens and the Volturi was especially well done (particularly with Bella discovering her newfound power to protect those under her purview). The end, in which Bella allows Edward to read her thoughts for the very first time, was just about perfect. I'm sad to have reached the end, but I'm glad I took a chance and lost myself in Bella and Edward's admittedly idealized romance. ***1/2 out of ****


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