My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

THE HOST (Stephenie Meyer) - October 22/09

I'm kind of conflicted about this one. On the one hand, I really came to enjoy the book as it progressed and the characters were just so sharply drawn and well developed (and flat-out likeable!) On the other hand, it's undeniably overlong. It took me a long time to get into it, and the whole midsection - set entirely within the caves - just feels needlessly epic length. It's like reading three or four separate books in one. Still, the book really grew on me as it went on. Meyer's penchant for ridiculously happy endings is in full effect here, yet it almost did seem as though she had actually killed off Wanda. I also have to give props to Meyer for eschewing the showdown I kept expecting between the humans and the Seekers; that the story ended on a much more low-key and introspective note was surprising and appreciated. I guess it's really a three star book just 'cause of overlength, but because I liked the characters so much, I'll give it ***1/2 out of ****


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