My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

STAR (Peter Biskind) - April 27/10

Wow. This incredibly long book - seriously, it felt like the longest book I've ever read, and that includes Under the Dome - tells the exhausting story of Warren Beatty's upbringing and career. Biskind has certainly packed the book with a number of fascinating tidbits and the book certainly proves an eye-opening look into the darker side of Hollywood. But the darn thing is just way too long; Biskind is given to repetition and he often includes his own opinions, which is hardly necessary. It's consequently impossible not to think that Star would've worked much, much better at a fraction of the length. (Seriously, it took me two long weeks to finish this crazy thing!) **1/2 out of ****


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