My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

SON OF ROSEMARY (Ira Levin) - April 3/11

Wow. What a disappointment. It's hard to believe this was even written by the same man, as the book primarily comes off as a tedious slog that's been suffused with barely-developed and wholly uninteresting characters. Levin spends far too much time describing Andy and his opulent environment, and Rosemary hardly seems like the same character. (After spending more than two decades in a coma, it seems a little odd that she'd immediately bounce back into her life without a word of complaint.) I kind of liked the ending, in which Rosemary either dreamed the entire thing or Andy reversed time to give her another chance, but it's too little too late. ** out of ****


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