My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

DELIRIUM (Lauren Oliver) - June 25/11

I'm pretty conflicted about this one. I think that for the most part, Delirium is a very entertaining novel that tells an inherently interesting story - although it's hard to swallow that any society would accept this "cure," but okay, whatever. The book is almost ridiculously overlong, though, as Oliver is simply too descriptive and flowery for her own good. The final 50 pages just fly by, though, as Lena and Alex attempt to make their escape. (This section was just gripping.) But I'm not sure how I feel about the ending, which features Alex seemingly sacrificing himself so that Lena can escape. What exactly is there in the Wilds for Lena without Alex? I'm hoping the next book will take care of this problem... (Alex isn't really dead?) *** out of ****


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