My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Friday, October 30, 2009

THE LOST SYMBOL (Dan Brown) - October 30/09

This third Robert Langdon adventure ultimately feels like the longest, as Dan Brown simply goes crazy with the descriptive stuff this time around. It's the expectedly propulsive narrative that keeps us interested, however, as Brown packs the book with a number of exciting sequences - with an incredibly thrilling pursuit through a pitch-black "pod" undoubtedly the highlight of the novel (and probably of Brown's career). And although the build-up to the climax is pretty darn effective - ie the twist that the villain was actually Solomon's son was completely unexpected - the book boasts a final 50 pages that couldn't possibly be more anti-climactic. Brown resorts to preachiness in the final stretch as Langdon essentially discovers his faith, and the inclusion of countless facts and tidbits about various religions is simply not as interesting as Brown clearly believes it to be. Oh, well, the book's still worth a read if only for some of the outlandish plot twists (ie Langdon is submerged in a breathable liquid!) *** out of ****


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