JOHN DIES AT THE END (David Wong) - August 31/12
I don't know, I'm a little conflicted about this one. I enjoyed parts of the book, but it's just way, way, WAY too long. It's broken up into two books and the second half just seems to go on forever. Wong is also not that great with the descriptive stuff, and I found myself kind of glazing over the more action-packed sections of the story. The wacky banter between the two protagonists is okay at times, but it's also a little too wacky and silly. (There's no way they'd ALWAYS be that lighthearted, considering some of the stuff they're up against.) So yeah, if it had been a third the length - ie if it had ended after the end of the first book - I probably would've liked this a lot more. **1/2 out of ****