My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN (John Green) - July 25/19

This is a pretty decent effort from Green. I definitely admired how accurately (and scarily) he portrayed Aza's occasionally debilitating anxiety, and though I enjoyed the other characters, they did seem a little too overtly quirky at times. I wouldn't say I was ever engrossed but I enjoyed the book all the way through. *** out of ****

Sunday, July 14, 2019

WHO DO YOU LOVE (Jennifer Weiner) - July 14/19

I wasn't super into this at the beginning, with the long stretch about the two characters as kids, but this book definitely grew on me as it went along. The main characters became extremely likeable and sympathetic, and I definitely enjoyed the almost epic scope of the storyline. ***1/2 out of ****

Friday, July 05, 2019

THE PARTY (Robyn Harding) - July 5/19

I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. At first it seemed like another generic Big Little Lies-esque drama but I definitely grew more and more attached to the characters as the book unfolded. Harding does a nice job of transforming all the protagonists into surprisingly compelling figures, and I thought the ending was quite satisfying, too. (Hannah plots her comeback as a popular girl at school.) ***1/2 out of ****