My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

EASY GO (Michael Crichton) - December 26/17

This very early Crichton novel feels quite slight but on the whole I was entertained. It's a decent premise that's executed well, and although there's only one standout sequence (the dude that gets temporarily trapped in the tomb), it's a quick, easy read - although what's up with that almost comically abrupt ending? **1/2 out of ****

Monday, December 18, 2017

SHARP OBJECTS (Gillian Flynn) - December 18/17

I really enjoyed this one. The stuff with Camille's family is awfully quirky, almost excessively so, but the resolution was quite compelling (ie it became quite the page-turner). It's not difficult to see why Amy Adams would be drawn to this incredibly complex character. ***1/2 out of ****

Monday, December 11, 2017

A BEND IN THE ROAD (Nicholas Sparks) - December 11/17

Sure, this felt like it was written from a template but I enjoyed it regardless. The characters are very vivid and I was caught up in the love story and the mystery. The ending seemed a little abrupt but I was happy that Miles and Sarah were reunited. *** out of ****

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

MURDER ON THE LINKS (Agatha Christie) - December 5/17

Yeah, I'm thinking Christie isn't for me. Or at least the Poirot books aren't, anyway. I was digging this at the beginning but it just goes on and on. It's like if a Law and Order episode was 5 hours long and really got into the minutia of the case. I just stopped caring about halfway through. *1/2 out of ****