My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

SPIN (Catherine McKenzie) - March 25/18

Ok, so this was way, way too long, but I nevertheless enjoyed it quite a bit. The characters were all pretty vivid and interesting and I was curious to see how everything was going to play out. But yeah, the middle does tend to drag a bit, especially during the many therapy sections. *** out of ****

Saturday, March 10, 2018

LITTLE WOMEN (Louisa May Alcott) - March 10/18

Well, I only read Little Women and not Good Wives, so I didn't get to enjoy any of the sisters' deaths. (I think Jo dies?) But man did I hate this. It's been written in this ultra flowery manner and it's super episodic and I was bored to tears. I just wanted some substance or real emotion. Friggin' hell. 1/2* out of ****

Monday, March 05, 2018

FIFTY SHADES FREED (E.L. James) - March 5/18

E.L. James, what are you doing? I basically enjoyed this but it's literally the length of like four books. And as usual, the sex stuff gets awfully tedious. I liked that there were some twists and turns, including Mia's kidnapping, but yeah this should've been a lot shorter. **1/2 out of ****