My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SPEAK (Laurie Halse Anderson) - June 18/13

I'm a little conflicted about this one. On the one hand, I found it impossible not to embrace the relatable story of a high school student who feels completely isolated and alone. Unlike most high school stories, Speak features a protagonist who really is friendless, which I found refreshing. But Anderson's choppy style prevented me from wholeheartedly embracing the narrative for large chunks of the book, although, of course, I really found myself getting involved as the book drew to a close. I suspect it's the sort of book that might improve on a second read. At any rate, Speak is certainly a grim, authentic look at the high school experience. *** out of ****

Monday, June 17, 2013

THE FURY (John Farris) - June 17/13

This meh book, which feels kind of Stephen Kingian, contains an interesting premise and several stand-out sequences, but Farris bogs the narrative down with overly descriptive passages that wreak havoc on the book's momentum far too frequently. The characters are all fine yet unmemorable; they're reflective of the book, I suppose. **1/2 out of ****

Sunday, June 09, 2013

THE BOOK OF TOMORROW (Cecilia Ahern) - June 9/13

Very disappointing, this one. I've read a couple of Ahern's books and I've enjoyed them both, but this one is just a misfire right from the get-go. I guess it's her attempt at tapping into the coveted YA market, as the story basically follows this teenager as she stumbles upon a mystery involving her family. But the mystery's just not interesting, which ensures that the ominous elements are dull instead of suspenseful. The inclusion of a diary that magically produces tomorrow's entries seems to be an afterthought and Ahern never really exploits that aspect of the story to its fullest. The final stretch, devoted to revelations and a long, 10-page summary of how all this came to be, is especially dull and anti-climactic, and I suspect it'll be a while before I check out another Ahern novel. *1/2 out of ****

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

THE GREAT GATSBY (F. Scott Fitzgerald) - June 4/13

Bleh. Another so-called classic that does absolutely nothing for me. I kinda enjoyed the book at the outset, as Fitzgerald does a good job of establishing the atmosphere and building up Gatsby as a mysterious yet intriguing figure. (And that's to say nothing of the cinematic sequences set at his opulent estate.) But Fitzgerald is far too impressed with his own writing style and the incredibly thin narrative is soon bogged down by flowery passages that are too descriptive and too uninvolving. I couldn't help, as a result, but glaze over whole paragraphs. (I didn't realize Gatsby had been shot until the narrative made a passing reference to his death.) I just didn't care about the self-obsessed characters or their problems. A bore. * out of ****