EVERY DAY (David Levithan) - October 27/12
Wow. Wow wow wow. Just when I think I'm not capable of loving a book along comes this masterpiece. I was immediately sucked into its captivating premise and I was wondering how Levithan would use it to tell an actual story, and I was not disappointed by the results. It's extremely episodic at times, but the various bodies that A winds up in are fascinating, in their own way. But it's the romance between A and Rhiannon that really separates this book from everything else. It's just amazing and enthralling and oh my god so romantic. I was getting choked up more and more as the book drew to a close, and I completely lost it when it turned out that A was attempting to get Rhiannon with Alexander. Did not see that coming. The ending, with A traveling far away for unknown reasons, is maybe a little more open than I would've liked, but maybe (hopefully) Levithan has a sequel in mind. **** out of ****