My Book Journal

Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

TWO BY TWO (Nicholas Sparks) - May 31/17

Well, Jesus Sparksy. I was actively hating this book for most of its insanely overlong first half, as Sparks emphasizes the main character's crumbling marriage. But the problem is, his wife is portrayed as the uber bitch to such a degree that it makes no sense that the guy is still with her and eventually sad/surprised when she leaves. But the book improves once it's more about Russ' friendship with old flame Emily and the expected Sparks melodrama, this time involving a dying sister, is admittedly affecting. But goddamn did this ever feel long! ** out of ****

Friday, May 19, 2017

POP GOES THE WEASEL (James Patterson) - May 19/17

It's more of the same, pretty much. There's some exciting stuff here but it's ultimately too long. (I found little of the courtroom stuff interesting.) Shafer is an interesting (if somewhat superhuman) villain and I'm excited to see more of him in forthcoming books. (And excited to find out just what happened to Christine during that year in captivity.) **1/2 out of ****

Friday, May 12, 2017

GRAVE DESCEND (Michael Crichton) - May 12/17

Speaking of books that are just fine... This is short but not entirely engaging, and it generally feels like a Bond knockoff. The 007-like main character and especially the chatty villain are indicative of this feeling, but at least it's a quick read. **1/2 out of ****

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

THE HANDMAID'S TALE (Margaret Atwood) - May 9/17

I mean, it's fine. I guess? Atwood knows she's a good writer, so she delivers far too many instances of overly flowery writing. The point is made and one just wants to read a good story. But parts of this are engaging, though the whole thing seems entirely implausible. Maybe more background would've helped that point? And what's with the super anticlimactic finish involving a future historian discussing the Gileadean period? So weird. **1/2 out of ****