EATERS OF THE DEAD (Michael Crichton) - April 30/19
I think this might be my least favorite Crichton. It's just boring and the inclusion of tedious footnotes only exacerbates the tedium. * out of ****
Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.
I think this might be my least favorite Crichton. It's just boring and the inclusion of tedious footnotes only exacerbates the tedium. * out of ****
Big ol' meh on this one. None of the stories really stood out, and although some of them had some good moments, Ralston would mostly botch the endings. It just felt like he was trying way too hard for a Stephen King type vibe. ** out of ****
I can't say I was enjoying this a ton initially, as the book comes off as a kind of overwritten crime novel stuffed with underdeveloped side characters. But the propulsive narrative eventually did capture my interest, particularly once the case became personal. I'd definitely read another Rebus book. *** out of ****
I definitely enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. There are a few spots that drag but otherwise this was a pretty engaging drama about an impressively compelling central character. ***1/2 out of ****
I really enjoyed this. Some of the periphery characters were hard to pin down but I dug the out-there premise and there were definitely some pretty tense moments sprinkled throughout. I definitely tore my way through the final stretch. ***1/2 out of ****