DAY (Michael Cunningham) - February 28/24
Cunningham is obviously a very good writer, and I was into this for the first third, but his incredibly descriptive and verbose style eventually became grating. **1/2 out of ****
Short reviews of all the books I read, rated out of four.
Cunningham is obviously a very good writer, and I was into this for the first third, but his incredibly descriptive and verbose style eventually became grating. **1/2 out of ****
What a weird book. Adopted dude accidentally kills his dad and marries his mom! It’s such a long, padded-out novel, though. Guterson devotes page after page to descriptions of things. And the shifting perspectives initially threw me off, although I eventually got used to it. **1/2 out of ****
I couldn't decide what to read, so I looked up bestsellers from 1987 and this was one of them. I'm glad I read it because it really reminded me of an old-school page-turner. The characters are all solid and there are plenty of twists to keep things interesting. (Angel is the fat lady! Who saw that coming?) Good stuff. *** out of ****